Coach With me
I am sure there are times when we all could use some help. That is where a Coach comes in. A Coach can help you identify your goals, build and develop a plan of action to help you achieve them. Coaching focuses on the now, where you want to go, how to get there and keep you motivated.
My coaching style is a little different, I believe that in order to move forward, you have to unpack the baggage of the past. Coaching is about helping identify the obstacles that hinder you from achieving your goals. For many those obstacles are things from the past such as hurts, disappointments and traumas, that they have not healed from. These past experiences, if not dealt with, can certainly hamper their forward progress.
Together we can pinpoint any areas of your life that could be subconsciously or consciously causing any resistance to successfully achieving your goals, helping you to “Pack Your Luggage, But Leave Your Baggage”. Once we have done that work, we will then move on to the next phase of moving you closer to your desired results.

Many people ask what is a Coach and how are they different to a Therapist or a Counsellor. Well, firstly a Coach is NOT a Therapist or a Counsellor. They are action oriented to coach, guide and bring out of you, your unrealized potential. Much in the same way that you have coaches in sports, many need a coach to help with their goals and navigating the journey of life. There are Coaches that cover other areas, such as Business, Executive and Health Coaches among others.
Let’s talk about the work I do. What I specialize in and why should you work with me over the competition?
I specialize as both a Life Coach and a Stress Management Coach working with men, women, children, couples and individuals.
Clients, people I have met through speaking engagements and others who have read my books, have said, after hearing my story, my journey, they gained the courage to face their past. To face some of the trauma and secrets they kept hidden and buried for years. By opening up and being ready to share and seek help, they began their journey to healing and wholeness.
Too often people try to move forward with their lives and wonder why they only get so far or are caught in the same cycles. I work with you to get to the root of whatever ‘that’ is and deal with it once and for all. Think of an athlete, a high jumper, long jumper etc. even though they are looking at and focused on the goal, before they start to run towards it, they always take that step back. My coaching style is like that. Focus on the goal and take that step back so you are able to propel forward. Doing this, you are able to achieve your desired goal and healing. I coach from a place of experience, not just book knowledge. I am quite straight-talking, blame the British in me!

Some of the most wounded people I have worked with, have told me they were able to connect with me because I knew the pain they have felt and for some, the pain they are still feeling. In some cases, I could identify with them, the paths they have taken. As a result they didn’t feel judged. I come from a completely judgment free place.
If this feels like you and you are ready, connect with me, let’s get started!
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